Welcome to Malatesha B.Ed College, Malebennur

Malatesha B.Ed College located malenennur, Harihar Taluk davangere Dist. Davangere city is situated at the centre of Karnataka State. It was called as 'Manchester of Karnataka", The City has been giving support for Higher Education in all the courses i.e. in Science, Medicine ,Engineering, Business Management, Post-graduate courses in Kannada, English, Commerce etc. Davangere is on the National Highway No-4. It is the Place which connects many famous cities like Bangalore, Hubli, Pune, Shimoga, Chitradurga and Bellary. It has good railway and bus transport connections.

The weather and atmosphere of Davangere City is cool and beautiful. It has many trees and 92 parks. The roads of Davangere city are well developed. The famous river Tungabhadra flows in Davangere district. The city consists of many historical places like Uchhangidurga, Harihara and Santebennuru. The Government of Karnataka has announced a new University to Davangere and the new university has been established in Davangere from 18/8/20009 as University of Davangere which covers davangere and Chitradurga Districts.


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